About Company

Company Introduction

Pari Overseas Pvt. Ltd. One of the leading Manpower recruitment ageney in Nepal, established In 201/ ler the Goverment of Nepal Registration No. 163659/073/074 and Department of Foreiqn Employment,Government License No. 1177/073/074

Bari Overseas Pvt. Ltd. has dispatched thousands of professional (skilled, semi-skilled and unsklled) from Neoal to Gulf Countries, Malaysia and Fast Asia etc. Its highly qualified professional makes our clients 9et maximum output at minimum cost and effort. We. Pari Overseas is fully committed to the complete catisfaction of both, Our Prestigious clients a5 well as job sepkers who are desirous for overseas Placemernt for thase ooking forward to broaden their horizons and head for better career opportunitles in the Middle East. We have our own well equipped and modern otfhces, well-educated, uxperienced staffs and a wide network of operation in Kathmandu as well as many other assoclated offices in all the major cities of Nepal. We have never failed them in the past and will make it equally easy tor them in future. We Complete in the employment service industry by offering a complete rarng of recrultmerit servlce.

We always understand the needs of your business are cumplex and evolving, and we focus on duvelopiny and nurturing long-term, results-oriented partnershlps. We providle trusted.consultalive services by truly listening and responding to the needs ot our clier's, candidales and associates.

We don't talk much, we believe in hard work only...

Message From Chairman

Respected Clients.

Very warm regards from the Himalayan Country of Nepal.

We are pleased to introduce this agency as manpower supplier from Nepal to overseas job. Unemployment prollerm seems serious tnatter all over the world and Nepalese also facing this problems thinking that, we have registered this agency under Nepal Government rules and regulation to supply Interested Nepalcse manpower to many different countries for many different job. Nepal is developing country with immense amount of natural and human resources. I believe that, to rise up the country, these resource. I found human resource of our country is completely appropriate and pragmatic to employ to produce the maximurm benefit, and finally commitled to assist this resource of the country.

Now that, we promise to provide reliable and good services to those who are related with this field, putting all our efforts, Once again, all are welcomed to Join and work with us together.

Thanks with regard

Pankaj Kumar Mishra


Message From Managing Director

It gives e greal pleasure to say a few words about our esteemed organization, Pari Overseas FvL are one of the leading players in our domain and pride in our work, We have been fortunate to operae successtully in the field or HR consultancy and recrultment consultancy. Pari Overseas PVt. Ltd. no been active tor years now and we have been providing Professional, Skilled, Semi-skilled and Unskilled manpower to hundreds of companies in the Asia, Middle East and the Gulf reglon, across industries. over the years our company has smoothly managed to fulfill the manpower requirements of business groups on one hand and consultancy generation rewarding job “Rght man for the Right Job”in more ways than one always.

Me and my team of professional staff are dedicated towards serving our valuable clients and candidates, and helping them meet each other’s requirements and goals- short term long term. Pari Overseas Pvt. Ltd. as a customer centric organization values our interest and thanks you for your valuable time. if you want to know more about us do not hesitste to drop a mail or visit our website. We assure you of our best services as always and we will strive utmost to implement you suggestion.

Thanking You

Chandra Prasad Shreepali

Managing Director

Our Awesome Team

We Have Solutions

This is where you can introduce the experts in your team.

Prem K.C.

Qatar Representative

Susma Rai

Int'l Representative